Chances for UM-scholarship

I am extremely interested in the U and it is now my first choice.
I just want to know what you think about my chances and about me receiving a merit aid scholarship and possibly an invite to the Singer/Stamps weekend. </p>

ACT- Composite 33
GPA-3.4/4.0 unweighted school does not weight
Freshman-2.9 - Had a bad freshman year which I address in my additional info on the App.
Rank-School does not rank
2 honors classes senior year
School does not offer AP's
Very prestigiously known high school school </p>

<p>Extra Circs-
I have a a lot of extra circulars that i am very involved in and hold different positions like captain and president.
I also volunteer and work in the summers. </p>

essay and recs are excellent </p>


<p>I already applied EA.</p>

<p>Not sure on this one…it could go either way. A 33 on the ACT is fantastic, but doesn’t match the GPA (which I know you addressed on your app). Also, 2 honors courses doesn’t seem enough senior year, so that won’t appear as a “challenging” schedule…I think 50/50 shot on this one, based on last year’s stats which seemed to be stricter than the previous years. Best of luck.</p>

<p>50/50 shot of getting in?
50/50 for some type of merit aid?
or 50/50 for singer/stamps invite?</p>

<p>50/50 for singer/stamps invite IMO. Some type of merit aid will be offered and you will get in.</p>

<p>thanks DinDune</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>Yeah, this is a tough one. I’d agree with DinDune and say you will be accepted, however I think the merit aid offer will be on the low side, maybe 11K or possibly 16K. I don’t think you’d be considered for the Singer/Stamps based on overall GPA and lack of rigor in schedule. A lot depends on the resumes of the other EA applicants.
Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thanks Zinc. Appreciate the answer.
I definitely agree that my GPA holds me back, but I think the upward trend will help with admissions and hopefully decent merit aid. I think though that the rigor of my courses when put into context with the rest of my grade (only around 90 kids) is pretty challenging due to the amount of honors that they offer.
Hopefully your right and I will be accepted in general.
Do you think the 20000 or 24000 dollar scholarship would be abtainable or even an invite to the weekend when they look at my app holistically?
Thanks again</p>

<p>So much depends on the makeup of the overall EA pool. Given what we saw last year, I would say probably no to the 20k/24k. I know 3 months is a long time to wait for an answer, but they haven’t strayed from that early February target for at least the last 3 years.</p>

<p>thanks again.
Guess I’lll just have to wait it out and see what happens. </p>

<p>Also, I had a coach of mine send in a separate recommendation letter aside from my teacher and counselor recs. When they receive the letter will it show up on myUM in the documents received?</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer to that last question - perhaps a student from last year who went thru the application process could reply.</p>