Scholarship Chances?

I’m currently a junior in high school and I would love to attend UM, but I highly doubt that’ll be possible without a significant amount of scholarship money. I don’t qualify for financial aid. Any suggestions on which I might qualify for, if any?

GPA: 3.7 unweighted, 4.1 weighted
Rank: 87/738, 12%
Will have taken 10 AP classes by end of senior year
AP Scholar with Distinction, National AP Scholar by end of senior year (hopefully)
SAT: 790 CR, 790 W, 600 M (going to take it again to super score math)
ACT: 31 (also going to take again)

Young Politicians Club - Secretary
National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society (not a native speaker… does that make this more impressive?)
Dance 4 hours a week at a studio
75 hours of community service split between working with kids at the zoo and at the dance studio, aiming to have 150 by end of this summer

I understand I don’t have that interesting of an application in terms of extra curricular activities…I’m hoping I can override that with more comm. service, a killer essay, and some great recommendation letters. However, if you don’t think that’s realistic, please tell me! Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Just adding that I only took honors and AP classes this year (junior) and will be doing the same next year!

scholarships are more or less merit based. you look great. try to hit top 5% and a 34 superscore and youll be solid for a singer/stamps invite

No, you won’t be solid for any invite. A lot of students are disappointed in the outcome of Miami’s scholarships and how they have been distributed. It hasn’t been only based on stats. High stats students got snubbed and students with lower stats got high amounts of money. It’s really holistic.

What will be your Major ? Choosing the right one do matter.
Your Class ranking is low you need to work on that to bring close to 5%.
Getting singer invite is very tough so even with ACT of 34 and top 5% of the Class your chances are less then 50%…
( Son has ACT 34, GPA 4.0 UW, 5.9 W, Class standing 1/600, 14 APs and he did not get the Singer Invite go figure…year 2014,) UM attracts lots of Top Stats Students now. Make sure you apply ED or EA very few RD get Singer Invites…

@drbio101 @CaliCash thank you both! I’ll keep that in mind and try to expand my EC’s and raise my rank

@dadfor2014 I’m leaning towards something in the Marine Science area! I’ll work really hard to bring that rank up, unfortunately a solid quarter of my (already large) class is composed of IB students with really high gpas so its hard to compete, but I should definitely be in to 10% by the end of this school year which is helpful. thank you for your input!!! i really appreciate it!


Marine Science is a very good choice, this Program has 3 different degrees within the Program. But its also very Competitive since the Program is known to be Top 3 in the Nation so It do attracts lots of Top Stat Students across USA. Try to get more Score on ACT they do super score it. Also shows interest in the program like visit the Campus and the Program Director if possible. Make them clear that UM and MS is your Top Choice. Lets hope for better…

@dadfor2014 that’s great advice, I’ll definitely retake the ACT at least once and im planning on visiting over spring break. Thank you!

bump :slight_smile:

I was #2 in my class which in my school is top 2% and I had a 34 ACT with all the varsity sports, leaderships, captain of academic bowl team, extensive work experience in my major etc … all the “stuff” you are supposed to have … I did not get singer invite … although I did see people with same stats get invites … I got great scholarship so I am happy and accepted U of Miami.

Son attended Stamps Singer Weekend two years ago. We were told by one of the Deans that you had to have at least
1500 on M and CR SAT to be invited.