Will I get in?

28 ACT
3.7/4.0 GPA with the Michigan scale of 4 = A- - A+ 3 = B, etc. (However my school has a tough grading scale even for AP classes (A: 96-99, A- 93-95, B+: 90-92, will Michigan account for that? I ask because when other students get a 90 its an A- which correlates with a 4, whereas for me it is a 3)
AP Courses (grade taken): AP European History (9th), AP US History (10th), AP Microeconomics (11th), AP Macroeconomics (11th), AP English Lit (11th), AP Government (11th), AP Calculus AB (12th), AP Statistics (12th), AP Composition (12th)
Honors Courses: Hon. Bio (9th), Hon Algebra II (9), Hon Chem (10th), Hon Precalc w/ Trig (10), Hon Physics (11), Hon Precalc Discrete (11)</p>

<p>French 5 senior year as well</p>

<p>AP Scholar with Distinction: four 5s and two 4s on AP tests taken so far
Speech Team Secretary
Debate Team
Varsity Tennis 3 years
7th Place at National BPA competition for Economics
State Runner Up in economics
AP Macroeconomics Award
AP Government Award
National Honors Society
ALPHA Mentorship Program: writing a paper on international economics with a college professor
Volunteer at Hospital: 60 hours</p>

<p>I realize my ACT is horrible (not good at standardized test), but do I even stand a chance at getting into Michigan?</p>

<p>Yes, but again, you need to apply ASAP for maximum opportunity. </p>

<p>I'd say you are a slight reach bc of GPA and ACT, but you definitely have a very good shot if essays and recs are strong.</p>