Will I get into Binghamton?

I got a 32 composite on my ACTs but my grades are very scattered from Highschool. I got a 95 in AP physics 1 (my teacher just handed out As) and the highest grade of my class in AP Macro which I can’t remember off the top of my head while I got a 78 in English 11, a 79 in Pre Calc, and a 79 in Algebra Honors. I graduated with a 90% total GPA. Currently, I am going to Hampshire College which I can’t stand and I am expecting to get an A in Korean 202 at Smith College but not sure what my Calc 2 grade will come out to be. I love computer science, however, I attended a different school then my homeschool which didn’t have computer science and I had to teach myself everything I know which basically just means making a bunch of games in Unity and C# and designing a couple of websites. Currently, at Hampshire, I am taking databased Website Engineering and last semester I took Coding for Science and Women in Game Programming which were all a joke for me.

are u transferring?