Will I get into BU ED2?

Hey all! I’m pretty nervous about college apps and BU is like my dream school, so I wanted to ask you all if I had a chance. I’ll list my stats and my top 5 EC’s

I calculated my GPA online bc my school does it weird but
4.34 W
3.94 UW
1550 (first try)
Took Multivariable Calc in junior year at a college bc I maxed out my curriculum in sophomore year
AP Calc BC: 5
AP Psych: 4
AP Lang: 4
AP Stat
AP Spanish
AP Physics
AP Lit

  1. Founder and Prez of an organization called MathHacks, which I started during COVID summer to help kids catch up with their math curriculum
  2. Founder and Prez of a medical research club where me and med students would teach high schoolers about how to conduct research
  3. Research Assistant to the Penn State Health Vascular Team
  4. #1 Varsity Tennis Doubles Player (State Finalists in 2020)
  5. School Board Student Rep (elected by administration)

I also attached some of the research papers of mine that have been published (plan to update them on one that got published last week in the American College of Surgeons journal)

Plan to major in Bio with Cell Biology Specialization

what do y’all think? I know its super competitive so im nervous

I think you have a very good chance. your stats are there. hopefully essays and LOR’s are decent.


thank you! I think my LORs should be good and they should speak more to my nature. my essay kind of emphasized my passion for medicine and surgery but also connected it to BU and its research opportunities as well as their student government, which I think connects back well to my school board rep thing

I also think that your chances are pretty good. However, I would not call it a safety.

You need to make sure that you also have your applications into safeties.

Then sit back and try to relax, while keeping up with your high school work (assuming that you are a senior in high school).

You have done very well up to now. Good job and best wishes!