I know what you’re thinking. “Look, here’s another paranoid kid.” I understand, but I’m really worried. Sorry guys.
I found about 3 minor spelling typos in my common app and I just literally want to die. I’ve applied to about 9 schools, all with these minor typos (leaving out letters in words, typo in EC club name). Will I even get into college? Sigh, I’m usually so detail oriented but I guess college admissions truly got the worst of me…
I didn’t find any typos in my essays, thank goodness, since I did spend A LOT of time on those.
I’ve applied to colleges like Boston College, NYU, Emory, Georgia Tech, Northeastern, WashU… All colleges I would love to attend…applied to 2 ivies but I’m almost 100% sure I lost all chances for them. I have nice stats, if that even helps (almost 4 UW, +2200 SAT) please advise
I’ve never felt more down, in fact.
Like anyone, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get into college, but if you don’t, it won’t be because of a couple typos. Just count how many threads are on this forums panicking about typos…and this is a forum for kids paranoid about college. Don’t worry about it. I personally have refused to let myself look at apps that have been submitted. It’s done and it can’t be changed.
Look up clam fart on google or cc
Haha I guess you guys are correct @shawnspencer @matt846
If you want to go to a top school or Ivy, use some critical thinking skills. I mean, honestly. Nobody is going to reject you if they were planning to accept you otherwise because your finger brushed against another key and you didn’t catch it. I get that this is a stressful time but it is a supremely bad idea to be constantly worrying about minor, unchangeable things that I’m sure you know the answer to anyway.
@rebeccar I think you’re correct. I seem to be too anxious about this issue… I hope colleges understand…
on the same boat as you… I think we’re not too bad off… just silly typos that slipped.