Will I get into Texas A&M? (college station,tx)

I am a senior about to graduate in May 2017. I have applied to Texas A&M and I am very concerned about me getting in after my incredibly low SAT scores. I am hoping to major in Biology.

GPA: 3.66
Top 20% of graduating class
Rank: 90/453
All Pre-AP and AP classes throughout high school.
SAT superscore: 1040
No superscore: 990.
I also have mad A/B honor roll, have been invited into the national academy for future physicians, and the hart global leaders forum where former president George bush spoke to a group of young people about todays government and how to get involved.

Leadership positions:
Senior Executive Board: Philanthropy
Drill Team: Lieutenant(senior year) Social officer (sophomore year)
HOSA: Treasurer (sophomore year)

Extracurricular Activities:
Drill team (4 years)
Dance Company (1 year)
PTSA (1 year)
HOSA (2 years)
Spirit Group (1 year)
Academy of Engineering (2 years)
Key Club (2 years, and 50 hours of volunteering)

I also submitted 2 letters of recommendation, and 2 well written essays one describing my circumstances growing up and its effect on my education. I have also showed interest by touring the campus earlier this year.
So, what do you think my chances would be?

A&M is definitely a low-to-mid reach for you. I’d give you a 20 to 35% chance of getting in. Your weak SAT, as you surely know, really hurts you. A&M isn’t too picky, but your GPA isn’t that far above their average to totally negate your test score that’s very close to the minimum they even consider people at. Plus, Texas state schools are known for filling up most of their spots through giving automatic admission to Texans in the top 7 to 10% of their graduating classes. So if you’re out-of-state, that’s another liability.

have been invited into the national academy for future physicians, and the hart global leaders forum where former president George bush spoke to a group of young people about todays government and how to get involved.

Erm you do realize that the National Academy for Future Physicians and those programs are basically expensive sessions that don’t really reflect on you academically right? Ton’s of people get invited, most don’t go because they realize its pretty much useless.

Unless YOU were the one giving the speech, then it’s not exactly an achievement(sitting down and listening to someone speak after paying a couple K isn’t hard).

GPA: 3.66

Weighted or UW?

SAT superscore: 1040

Yea, that is extremely low. Honestly, this is really going to hurt you. I would expect ~1300 for A&M candidates. Your GPA probably isn’t high enough to negate such a poor score. Did you happen to be a National Merit Finalist or something for the PSAT? That could help your cause.

Extracurricular Activities:
Drill team (4 years)
Dance Company (1 year)
PTSA (1 year)
HOSA (2 years)
Spirit Group (1 year)
Academy of Engineering (2 years)
Key Club (2 years, and 50 hours of volunteering)

Your EC’s seem to be pretty solid. Nothing bad but nothing spectacular either.

I also submitted 2 letters of recommendation, and 2 well written essays one describing my circumstances growing up and its effect on my education. I have also showed interest by touring the campus earlier this year.

Since I haven’t seen your rec letters or essays, I can’t really say whether that helps or hinders you. However, I would just like to point out that also touring the campus probably isn’t a massive plus either for admission.

So, what do you think my chances would be?

I would say 10-15% chance of you getting in.

1)Slightly above Average GPA (+)
2)Below Average Class Ranking (-)
3)Extremely Weak SAT (—)
4)Decent EC’s (++)
5)Possible Good Essays/Recs?? (~)

I have chosen not to include any of the fluff you listed because that has pretty much no effect on admission.

If you told me which AP classes you took and what scores you got, that would be extremely helpful. For example, having 15 AP scores of mostly 5’s with a couple 4’s can’t hurt.

Definitely a reach with that SAT score

Based on what you eluded to, a hardship of some sort, I would say you have a chance at Gateway. I would not expect full admit directly to CS campus, more likely Blinn if you’re not offered Gateway. They do not superscore here, so the 990 is the only consideration. Be aware that wherever you do end up, your basic skill set is a little rusty in comparison to others so you should get extra help in your classes until you gain the necessary mastery ( math and/or english) to give yourself the best opportunity of success. Good luck!