Will I have no chances at Ivies with this schedule?

<p>Freshman year I started out way behind because I slacked off in middle school, but I've made up for it (I think). Will I have any chance at Ivies with these classes if I continue to make all A's? Also, I'm rocking clubs right now and my SAT will most likely be out of this world. </p>


<p>Honors English 1
Honors World History
Algebra 1
Earth and Envio. Science
Debate 1
Theatre 1
Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1
Gym/Health (required)</p>


<p>Honors English 2
Honors Civics and Economics
Honors Biology
Honors Geometry
Latin 1
Debate 2
Theater 2
AP Psychology</p>


<p>AP English 3
AP US History
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Pre-calculus
Honors Debate 3
Honors Theater 3
Honors Latin 2
Honors Chemistry </p>


<p>AP English 4
AP Government
AP Calculus
AP Earth and Environmental Science
AP European History
Honors Debate 4
Honors Theater 4
Honors Latin 3</p>

<p>I've heard that colleges like an upward trend, but will it matter?</p>

<p>I think you have a great chance. Most (if not all) colleges like an upward trend, at that rate you are going great! Good luck! :D</p>

<p>Thanks! Any other opinions?</p>
