Will I need the tablet for EngE 1104?

<p>I'm transferring in this month and I am going to take everyone's advice and get the USB tablet instead, but I read on another forum that the tablet isn't used in EngE 1104. Is this true? Can anybody confirm whether the tablet is used or not?</p>

<p>I’m not sure about now, but it was two years ago. The first day of class there were 2-3 essay questions during the lecture that were brought up on each computer through DyKnow. You had to write-in your answer on your tablet and submit it through DyKnow. These types of questions were found frequently during the lectures over the duration of the semester. Of course it’s been a while since I was in that course, so it definitely could have changed since then. I’d get the USB tablet just in case… Just don’t open it until you actually need it. If you find that you don’t need the tablet, just return it for a refund. Better safe than sorry.</p>

<p>I just took it this past semester and I barely used mine. Like james said, they require you to submit answers through DyKnow in lecture but you can use text boxes to do it. It’s what everyone does anyway and it’s a lot easier. With that said my professor required us to submit some stuff related to the final project at the end of the semester with the tablet. But even then plenty of students still wrote it by hand and just scanned it to turn it in. Not really sure if they got points taken off but it isn’t even a big portion of your grade. Basically if you have money to spare get the cheapest one available, and if you don’t have the money just don’t worry about it.</p>