Will it hurt my chances if I don't take a math class my senior year?

Hey ya’ll. I’m currently a junior taking honors calculus. I would like to know if it would be looked down upon if I don’t take a math class my senior year? However, I am planning on taking AP Economics. By the way, I am planning on applying early action.

I doubt it. I was in the same position as you, having maxed out my school’s math program after junior year. I opted to independent study multivariable calculus through MIT OCW and mentioned that on my Common App, but I don’t think it’ll do much to your application one way or another.

Depending on what you want to major in though, it probably isn’t the best idea to straight skip a year of math courses because some of the calculus skills will atrophy in that year gap. If your going into a science or engineering major I would recommend looking for other opportunities to take other higher-level math courses if for nothing more than to keep your skills sharp.

I was accepted by the way on a full tuition scholarship (Singer) and was invited to the Foote Fellows Honors Program.

Taking Multivariable Calculus online is far different than not taking a math class.

Yes, it definitely will be looked down on.

The point remains that it won’t show as a math class on my transcript. If you have maxed out the math curriculum at your school than there isn’t much you can really do about it and a school can’t penalize you for it. I still recommend trying to find something to do that is math related though.

Obviously if you have already taken all the math classes available you won’t be looked down on. I’d consider that an accomplishment.

I assume that the school likely has AP Calc AB and/or BC, since it has AP Econ. If this is the case, then not taking one of these math classes is not good.

Yes, my school does have AP calc AB.

Taking one AP isn’t a good enough reason to not take another.
You really should take AP calculus. You will VERY likely still have to take a math class in college. Take Calculus AB now so you can test out of that math class and possibly receive credit toward graduation.