<p>My dad is an alum, and I received an email from the alumni interviewer. I called his office only to find that, during the one time slot available, I have a previous commitment. Am I going to be hurt by missing out on the interview?</p>
<p>You are perfectly entitled to decline an interview; I don’t believe they hold it against you.</p>
<p>IMO I think missing an interview will hurt you, even if you have a really good excuse. I’m sure if you explain it directly through an email or call to him, you could reschedule.</p>
<p>Did the interviewer only offer you one possible time slot? As an alumni interviewer, I think that’s kind of unreasonable. Try to reschedule with him/her if you haven’t otherwise tell the admissions office politely that you were unable to make the one time slot offered and could you have another interviewer set one up.</p>