<p>so i have 2 A's (ap lit, ap econ), 2 B's (ap bio, yearbook) and 1 C (AB calc). i am trying to fix my yearbook and calc grades to get up to a 4.4 weighted and a 3.6 uw. but im extremely worried that some of the private colleges that i applied to will be ready to reject me. i applied to usc, university of san diego, university of washington, and boston university. and for uc's i applied to cal, uci, ucsd, and ucsb. my total gpa in all this is a 4.0 and uw is a 3.2.. i currently have a 4.14 weighted and 3.73 uw. am i in trouble for any of these schools?</p>
<p>Frankly a 3.2 UW GPA can be difficult but your 4.0W GPA indicates it was a challenging course load.</p>
<p>the ucs are notorious for taking senior year grades way more into account than they should. so yes, you are in trouble.
get those grades up if you can, and if you can’t, hope for the best.</p>