Will NYU rescind my offer?

I was admitted to New York University by ed2. In the second semester of my senior year, I missed the exam due to illness (and the teacher does not allow me to make up the exam), so I got two D’s. My overall grade is AABBDD. Will New York University revoke my offer? What should I do?

Contact nyu admissions office now and explain. If you havent already, get a doctors note, and approach your high school about this issue.

So you missed two exams for a legitimate / Drs note illness, both teachers and your GC refused any form of mitigation, and the exam was enough of the grade (more than 50%?), so now- in late April, before finals- your know that your previous A/B grade will be a D?

Our school will give the final report earlier (on 4.26)

Are you an international student?


What will your overall grade in the course be?

Is AABBDD the final expected result for 6 subjects or is that a list of grades you got in one subject?
Do the 2 D’s mean you won’t graduate?
(Is the scale ABCDF or is it ABCDEFG? and is D a passing?)
Do you have a doctor’s note explaining the illness? Will your GC be able to write NYU (after seeing the doctor’s note) the situation, indicating you had a (B) before the illness and that no make up exam was provided?

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