Will someone give me my chances

<p>Hi everyone</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Race: White
School: NYC private school, 5 others applying ED to brown
Ranking: School does not rank but probably top 5 out of 100
GPA: 3.85
SAT: 780, 780, 780
ACT: 35
SAT II: Math IIc 750, US History 770. Bio 770
AP: US 5, Bio 5
National merit commended scholar
Connections: Grandpa, great uncle, aunt, cousin went/go to Brown, I have 2 letters from ex board members, one letter from current board member
Extra curric: President of student government, treasurer of student govt (11th grade) student government rep (7th-10th grade) independant science research at hospital: creating diagnostic survey on developmental dyslexia. Creator of political blog averaging 500 hits daily Thepurpleyouth.com.</p>

<p>Unfortunately I found two typos in my essays: I forgot to capitalize American, and I wrote the instead of they</p>

<p>What are my chances ED</p>

<p>You should already know by now that you have a solid chance at getting in. Let’s be calm and wait until December 11 :)</p>