<p>For my senior I've decided instead of the usual six hour of classes I will be taking five.
This is due to the fact that I have nothing else to take. (as my school only offers 10 AP's and I've taken or taking all of them, except AP Music Theory, and I'm on the "accelerated route", so I all have to take are APs) (Also, I'm avoiding calculus for the life of me, I am ATROCIOUS at math and I don't want to worry about that one class, with four or five other AP's)</p>
<p>For reference, my schedule:
AP Psych
AP English Literature
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Government</p>
<p>It's also a technique to avoid taking an unimportant "gifted" class and avoiding a bad English lit. teacher. Plus, I have more homework and Extra curricular time :)</p>
<p>Will taking five hours instead of a full six hurt my chances of acceptance into schools like New York University, or the University of San Diego?</p>
<p>Should I stick with a full six hours and my "gifted" class? </p>
<p>Thanks guys :)</p>