<p>The LA Times announced today (9/12/09) that, "Regents are weighing hikes totaling $2,514 for undergraduates from California over the next year, blaming the state's budget problems." </p>
<p>Will that affect your decision to apply to UCLA or any of the UCs for that matter? Just curious as some people seem to think that it will severely affect enrollment.</p>
<p>Will it affect desire? No…
Affect ability? It definately could… thats an extra 10k over 4 years. </p>
<p>Not to go off on a tangent or spew anything political, but so many of our lawmakers are full of crap… they would rather hike up the cost of tuition for bright students looking to make something of themselves so in turn they can continue to give welfare and other b.s. free programs to the multitudes of individuals who are either a. illegal immigrants, b. don’t have nor want a job and therefore scam the government, or c. young mothers on welfare who have 5 kids by the time they’re 20 because they can’t keep their legs closed.</p>
<p>blinks09, what evidence do you have to support such claims? While there are cases like that, it does not reflect the entire welfare system. </p>
<p>I take particular offense to your statement about young mothers. Did you know that about 46% single young mothers (in 2004) who had children before they’re 18 will have incomes of below the poverty line? Do you know what that means? They will have to go without many many things just to simply eat, be clothed, and have a place to live. This also means their children will grow up in poverty, and studies have shown that children who grow up in such economic situations and environments are more likely to drop out of high school, commit crimes and get pregnant young, starting the cycle again. Please, show young mothers some respect, they already have enough things working against them.</p>
<p>Binks: Ironic that you do happen to “go off on a tangent or spew anything political.” Just saying that you don’t mean to do so isn’t a great way to cover your ass. </p>
<p>Regardless of UC fee hikes, one should still apply to UCLA or the other UCs so you can keep your options open and compare each school’s financial aid offer. While Cal Grants are in limbo as of now, UC is using university grants and increased federal aid from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as a stopgap measure so those with low enough family income can still attend. Those in the middle-class are in a tougher place, as they’ll probably get more loans instead. Private universities may be a better option if they’re still generous with private grant money. </p>
<p>To sum? Don’t decide not to apply to UC just because tuition increases look dire. See where you get in, and then see how much aid you can wrangle out from each school’s Financial Aid office. Also consider private scholarships as well.</p>
You’ll need evidence to convince me of those claims.</p>
Maybe they shouldn’t have had kids without being able to financially support them.</p>
<p>Jinobi is right (don’t know about federal recovery money, though). Personally I wouldn’t mind the fee hike if it meant keeping UCLA as great as it is now.
Will it affect desire? no
Will it affect ability? for some</p>
<p>So you wouldn’t mind the hike if they “keep it as great as it is now.” </p>
<p>Well, here is the problem, in addition to the hikes, they are talking about eliminating programs and making additional cutbacks. UCLA is considering canceling their foreign language requirements altogether. That can’t be a good thing. Especially in a city where 40% of the people are bilingual.</p>
<p>I’m not exactly “in the know” about everything that is going on :D</p>
<p>If what you say is true, lagunal, that is bad. I don’t know what we can do to fix this mess, but I would hope that that big of a hike would at least help and not be squandered on ********.</p>
<p>Library closing at 5 PM? Are they kidding? OK so even if people are fine with the increased tuition proposal, most know that it is impossible to study in some of the dorms. Where are they going to study after 5? Everyone can’t go to Denny’s.</p>
<p>Lagunal: there are other libraries open until late night (11PM). The article mentioned just the Music Library having reduced hours till 5PM. Gotlactose’s link has some different info, though.</p>
<p>I actually welcome a fee hike (as long as I can get more loans to cover it) if it means no more cuts. I’d much rather pay a bit more and then not have to worry about a bunch of stuff being cut or downsized.</p>
<p>I didn’t know illegal immigrants can collect welfare, unemployment, or any of the other free programs. I thought you needed a social security number and all that jazz that comes with legal residency. I better call my friends that have illegal relatives to pick up them welfare checks and food stamps. Like ODB did. :D</p>
<p>W.T.F. that sucks that they’re no longer having Night Powell. Someone should do something about that.</p>