Will the admissions office read your precollege letter of interest as well?

I am a junior and I have been accepted into a Pre-college program offered by a college (UC). I also want to apply to this college in my senior year. Will they look at my letter of interest that got me into their school’s Pre-College program? What are the chances that they will? Or do they not look beyond my application?

i’m not sure about this specific school, but chances are no. you would have to find out the college’s specific stance on whether or not they track demonstrated interest, but even so, you have to be careful with overbearing your admissions officers with trivial additions to your application. the letter of interest would probably classify as an annoyance. however, the fact that you went to the program is significant, and should be included

It’s impossible to say. Usually the summer programs are separate from the larger admissions offices. UC s are big schools and I would think that the admissions offices are too busy to deal with the summer programs, which are often (not always) money-making enterprises of a given school.

Generally though if an AdCom looks at your summer essay it would be as part of delving further into your application. They would need to know that your essay exists – which can take the form of either you telling them that you attended the program, if you want to highlight this as showing interest in X school, or they see it on your resume and they may decide to ask the other department for that information, if interested, I would think. Sort of like googling around to see what your internet personality is like.

Hi! thanks for your response. it’s a UC berkeley program, so they probably wouldn’t be looking at my summer essay right because they’re two different departments?