Will the University of Arizona rescind my admission?

Hello, I am a transfer student just admitted to the University of Arizona. I was suspended from my previous university (after 6 semesters, a 3.779 GPA with a rising GPA trend and difficult courses in a top-tier business school) for disciplinary issues. I sued the school to try and stay in; however, I was unsuccessful in retaining my enrollment. I’ve gotten rejected from most schools (as expected) because of the suspension. However, yesterday, I found out I was accepted into Arizona. I detailed my suspension (as much as one can in 500 words – there are hundreds of pages of court documents) in the common application. Arizona accepted me anyway.

In the “next steps” for admitted students, Arizona asks about “academic integrity or conduct violations”. Assuming conduct violations is a synonym for disciplinary issues, I checked that I’ve been found responsible for issues at my previous school. They said I will be emailed by the dean of students providing further instruction. Even though I was admitted with the disclosing of my disciplinary record on the application, is there any chance they rescind my admission? This has been the only beam of light I’ve had in my life recently and I am DEATHLY afraid of losing the opportunity to continue my education. Any feedback is welcome, and I can answer any further questions you might have.

Missing here is any sign of remorse. Arizona is going to be looking for that.

@Groundwork2022 This isn’t my explanation letter. I already submitted one to them with my application. They accepted me, but it seems they are asking for more information now (although I don’t know for sure). I take responsibility for my actions, so don’t assume here that I haven’t. I showed them what I’ve learned in the letter.

Then you’ve done what you can. Do what they told you: wait for further instructions from the dean.