
A’s and B’s in all of my classes this semester and i am already committed to arizona! BUT I got a D in one class. The class is unrelated to my major
if i can’t retake the class online or something do you think they’ll let me go?

Contact U of A, since no one can tell you what they might do. Do you have a provisional contract outlining what is expected for your Senior year in terms of grades/GPA?

no they never sent a contract or anything! I know anything below a 2.0 is bad news and automatic probation or worse so i think that i will be fine. but I’m just concerned

You should be fine! U of A told us that once they accept you, your grades don’t matter! And I countered with, “Really? even 'D’s?” and she replied, “Really.”

And our college counselor told us that the only time she heard of any college rescinding an offer was when a high school student failed a core class - he failed English, which meant that he didn’t have 4 years of English on his transcript so it disqualified him from admission. Her general rule was to try to at least keep a 3.0 GPA to be safe.