Will UA still accept me with a D?

Hi I recently got accepted to the University of Arizona last Thursday. I am on the border with a 70% in AP Macroeconomics, we have two tests and a final left I believe. But if I were to get a D in the course will UA rescind my acceptance or will they be lenient. Also I am an out-of-state student so I live in California. Will one D kill my chances?

Nah you good. As long as your transcript isn’t already littered with Ds, it probably won’t be a big deal for Arizona

Got it. What could cause UA to rescind my acceptance academic-wise then? Just curious because I am also in the same boat in my Honors Marine Biology class. But I am not too worried with that one.

What is your GPA currently?


My son attends the UA and I phoned them about this. They said that once accepted, they don’t rescind, not matter your grades. I suggest staying away from a bunch of "D"s, however, just my opinion.

Our college counselor said that a college can rescind if the person fails a core class that is necessary for admittance. For instance, she heard of a student somewhere who failed English (meaning he no longer had 4 years of English) which is required for admittance.