Will there be any decisions today?

<p>Step 5 Blinn TEAM at first she said no but seems she may be second thinking it.</p>

<p>D contacted Admissions this morning after the others on this thread had reported offers; was told she was in ‘Final Review’ and should have an answer by the end of week! Hopefully she’ll be AggieLand bound as well.</p>

<p>i have heard of some kids being rejected already … so, i guess still being in the pool is a good thing.</p>

<p>About housing i got an email from Admissions this is what they said
“Unfortunately, housing for women has recently filled up; However, there are a variety of places to live around campus.”
That was friday</p>

<p>i was wondering if there was still any housing for men.</p>

<p>I applied as an engineering major, but I didn’t get accepted in the engineering department. Instead, I chose to major chemistry which is in the science department. It says in order to transfer to the engineering, I have to have at least about 2.6 gpa. I think I can handle this, but my question is, is there any disadvantage for majoring other subject and transferring to the engineering? Sorry for bad English, I’m an international student.</p>

<p>you just need to pick a major where you will be able to fulfill the requirements to transfer to engineering. you may also want to pick something that you could be happy doing instead of engineering in case your transfer doesn’t work out. </p>

<p>your english is pretty good!!!</p>

<p>I believe the housing is full… They are only assigning temporary housing where you have a rather large chance of triple-bunking with two other people, or assigned to a study room until spots are opened.This sucks…</p>

<p>temporary housing is still on campus housing, which doesn’t suck if you want on campus housing. : )</p>

<p>Congrats to those who got good news today! I have to say been reading up on Blinn Team that is really a great option, will cost less money too!</p>

<p>I applied for housing and did get temporary. I guess it’s better than nothing, but I’m not looking forward to the posibility of triple bunking it someone… Haha</p>

<p>@digiaid and rushedmom stay in touch on the board and let us know what happens! Still hoping you guys both still get good news.
@Aggiemom - Did your D decide between Blinn TEAM and TAMUG yet?
Mine is coming around and seriously considering accepting the Blinn TEAM offer. Checking on pricing of “off campus” housing today versus temporary. Already paid the housing deposit at Baylor but it is refundable until May 1. Dad trying to convince D if she takes the Blinn TEAM route she can major in Chem or Bio Chem first then apply to Pharmacy school. May take a little longer than the 6 year Pharm D route but then she could graduate NOT in debt…
Thanks again to all for staying in this thread and keeping everyone updated on the process it is helped immensely hopefully we can meet some of the fellow Blinn Teamers when it comes time!</p>

<p>My son is still on step 3 with no change to major. He’s been on step 3 since October. I finally called the admissions office today and they told me that 3500-4000 decisions will be made tomorrow. So good luck to all of us still waiting!</p>

<p>SRDavis- D has already been accepted, she was auto admit. Her BF is waiting to hear still but the rest of her friends are in!</p>

<p>SRDavis, I think my D will go the Blinn TEAM route, but take a full load locally this summer so that she will be eligible for transfer by Christmas. That way she can apply for transfer during spring semester and know about the following year’s fall term earlier. </p>

<p>We have some good friends that live in Bryan, went to Blinn then TAMU (before the TEAM program was around) and used to work for the university. Their advice is to take the TEAM offer. They did suggest to my D to make an effort to get involved in a student organization or activity at TAMU, so she wouldn’t feel like she didn’t ‘belong’ to TAMU since she will be spending so many class hours at Blinn. I wonder if there is any sort of discrimination or attitude toward Blinn TEAMers that are housed with ‘regular’ TAMU students.</p>

<p>Our current decision point is about the Corp. One of our ‘agreements’ was that she would be part of some type of living/learning community at college. The ones at TAMU require you to be a full-time student, so the only other option that I know of is the Corp, which is not only open to Blinn TEAM but has a unit of people that are or were TEAMers. My D would benefit from the mandatory schedule, study hours, tutors and structure. She isn’t as enthused, even though she did the ‘Spend a Night with the Corp’ thing and liked it.</p>

<p>@SRDavis, will keep this thread updated. D is so anxious and I feel she is a great fit for AggieLand. Doesn’t hurt that she has one cousin in her Sophomore year and two other cousins already accepted for 2012, with her and another cousin awaiting decisions.</p>

<p>I don’t know if I’m grasping at straws but I go to a school that doesn’t class rank - last week I noticed that my AIS had been updated to show a class rank (assume where they think I would be placed) - is this a good thing? I’m ever hopeful that if I was going to be full out rejected they wouldn’t have bothered with the extra work or is it just part of the process (I’m international) - any ideas anyone? Good luck everyone - fingers crossed! To be honest though I check my AIS so many times a day that I think the only thing I’ll be getting is a restraining order!</p>

<p>If your school doesn’t rank, TAMU assigns you a class rank based on your school profile and other criteria.</p>

<p>Hey Guys, i have been following your posts and i have been waiting since November!! </p>

<p>Crusshh, if you dont mind me asking, what were your stats??</p>

<p>My friend was top 11% and she was notified at 10:30pm last week!!</p>

<p>got decision here today. negative.</p>