Will there be any decisions today?

<p>Dang Mike, that’s rough. Sorry to hear the bad news. Was it an all-out rejection letter or did they offer you another path to admission? I haven’t really heard of A&M sending out straight “rejection” letters.</p>

<p>it was the - you can go to another campus and transfer in a year option. i forget the letters P something.</p>

<p>we already have a lease signed in college station, so i guess it is blinn all the way!</p>

<p>i am a little sad (dad and i both went to a&m) but kid didn’t work quite hard enough to keep her class rank up, so the fault is all hers and she gets to live with the consequences. i don’t blame admissions (though i do know that several kids i know with lesser stats were either admitted or offered blinn team).</p>

<p>Dang… Sorry Mike! I know ya’ll were looking forward to it… =/</p>

Go to this thread for my listed stats:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1295603-chances-getting.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1295603-chances-getting.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That is tough. So is she just going to try to go to Blinn for two years and just get in as a normal transfer? That might be hard to do considering they have to take all the kids who got “Blinn Team” first. Just a thought. But if you already have housing down for her, Blinn is a fine option. It’s a good alternative to A&M from what I’ve heard, plus cheaper classes. </p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what were her stats? When did she apply?</p>

<p>i know plenty of kids who have transferred into a&m from blinn without blinn team, so i am not too worried about that unless she goofs off and doesn’t make her grades. but in that case she will come home and not be transferring from blinn.</p>

<p>i will be happy saving the money!</p>

<p>her stats - 5.95/6.0 GPA. 1180 SAT. 27 ACT. 383/1000 class rank!!! aaaahhhhhh! not much in the way of ECs except 4 years drill team. so if she got passed over … oh well. she applied nov 1st-ish (i told her to apply in august.) someday maybe she will learn that we tell her things for a reason and not just to make her life miserable. </p>

<p>honestly, i never expected her to get in. MAYBE blinn team, but even that was a long shot.
we actually have a great CC close by, but then she would still be home … living with us!!! and lord knows we could all use a break!</p>

<p>Dang…her class size is huge. Her stats really aren’t all that bad except for her GPA – like you said earlier was the killer. Her ACT was actually a point higher than mine. My grades were good though (top 7%), and I was applying from out-of-state, ROTC and Corps, tons of ECs, so maybe that helped. I really thought A&M looked mostly at GPA and ACT though. I applied in early October and got my decision mid-December. I thought I was late getting mine but by reading these forums I realize how far from the truth that was!</p>

<p>Good luck to her. I am sure this will be a wake-up call about how competitive the real-world is and she will do very well in CC and be able to transfer. Keep us posted if you get any more news!</p>

<p>actually her class size isn’t really that huge. i just used those numbers to represent her rank at top 38%. her class is about 600. her sisters class was over 1200 though!!!</p>

<p>her gpa is fine IMO. what is wrong with her gpa? it is her class rank that killed it!</p>

<p>her boyfriend got blinn team with lower stats than hers except his class rank (different school) was at about top 15 %.</p>

<p>yes, hopefully this will serve as a wake up call for her.</p>

<p>Mike same thing just happened to my D. We are considering the Blinn route as well, but looking at some of the schools in the PSA offer we are going to explore that more. My daughter was top 19% and didn’t get Blinn. Her classmate was 50 pts lower sat, ranked top 26%, and had a 4.25 Gpa vs my daughters 4.42, and she got in. I just don’t understand it, but we move along. We really trying to steer clear of the CC option because it’s to easy to not do it.</p>

<p>rtaj … if kid wants to go to a&m and you are on board with it then just send her to blinn. it is really not a bad option. i guess if she wants to major in one of the approved majors for the PAS deal, then that would work and she would get guaranteed adm. in one year. </p>

<p>another option (though i am not sure this would work) would be sitting out a semester and applying for spring next year. </p>

<p>one thing that may help her get into a&m faster is summer school at CC. they are pretty strict about the number of credits (and specific classes) needed to transfer, so getting a decent chunk of hours in the summer can only help. most likely it would allow her to be accepted this time next year instead of having to wait until spring semester ends and she submits spring grades.</p>

<p>I was offered PSA today. Not taking it as I’ve been accepted to Blinn and I want to save money rather than go to a sister school.</p>

<p>Mike, her stats are VERY comparable to mine. I applied mid-November and had a 1180 on my SAT–the only difference is that my class rank was in the top 11%. The only EC I had was JV tennis… I guess rank plays a rather large factor in the admissions process. The only other thing that I can think of is that I spent quite a bit of time on my essays…</p>

<p>yeah crusher - you guys do have similar stats. 'cept for that pesky class rank! idk what kind of school you go to but her school is a brand new school out in the suburbs. crazy that a 3.95ish GPA puts you at 40% class rank.</p>

<p>idk about her essays. i am sure yours were better. she has been having a hard time with essays recently. idk why.</p>

<p>oh well.</p>

<p>we will just go with “everything happens for a reason” and move on from here.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>glad you got better results.</p>

<p>I appreciate it! If she goes to Blinn, there’s a good chance I’ll see her there given that most of my classes will be there… :wink: Haha</p>

<p>well, she’s going there! look for the prettiest (in a pretty way, not a stripper way!) petite girl on campus!</p>

<p>Haha will do! :wink: Tell her good luck!</p>

<p>thanks. i will! and good luck to you, too!</p>

<p>I appreciate it! I gotta hit the hay… Spring Break is getting to me… Haha</p>

<p>I agree with all of you that are thinking that class rank hit hard. My D’s school doesn’t rank, and there is no reasonable explanation for the rank A&M assigned her and compared to her other stats, that has to be one of the deciding factors that landed her on Blinn TEAM. When she missed academic admit by 10 SAT points, her counselor and an admissions rep told her that she didn’t need to retake, that she would have no problem as a review admit. Little did they know how many kids would apply this year! On the flip side, I am hoping that this will serve as a wake up call for my D, as to the effort required at A&M.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is any rhyme or reason to it. When you are a review admit it is up to the person looking at your file and what kind of mood they are in that day. Our D is ranked 86 out of 709 and was Blinn Teamed at A & M and CAP’d at UT. Her HS counselor told her she would have no trouble getting in to either. There have been lots of tears at my house this week. We decided against Blinn TEAM and decided to take the Baylor deal she can major in BioChemistry at Baylor which she couldn’t do even if she had gotten in to A & M b/c they don’t have it. Then last night we received notification that she was accepted to OSU as a BioChem major. So now we wait for the financial part as we have heard that OSU waives OOS for some Texas kids. Good Luck to those still waiting and deciding. Sorry she didn’t get in Mike. She will work it out.</p>

<p>I am guessing they have released/will release all the decisions for International applicants. I got a ‘we cannot offer you admission this semester’ today. So did a friend. But well I did apply right on the deadline. Lol, lesson well learnt I guess.
Anyway on a good note, congratulations to everyone who got an acceptance/Blinn TEAM’d!</p>