<p>I turned in my application to USC about a month ago. In my "Activity Summary" section, I just listed the activities instead of making into a resume format. I didn't realize it had to be in a resume form until I logged into my account 2 weeks ago and it said that. Will this affect my chances of getting in there? I put down activities that I did in high school and college [I'm a transfer student]. Someone please help me out! I'm totally freaking out big time!</p>
<p>You don’t need to use a resume format.</p>
<p>i remember it said something about how they recommended you write it like “activity- hours per week- weeks per year” or something, but i don’t think you had to do it like that.</p>
<p>If you have already submitted it you can’t do anything so just relax it doesn’t even matter. I don’t think it will hurt you it will just force the ADCOM to look at your list a little harder than others.</p>
<p>Northstarmom: I know that if you applied last year, you didn’t need to put down how many hours per week/weeks per year. They probably changed it this year because my cousin who goes to USC didn’t need to do that.</p>
<p>vasudevank & nooob: Thanks, that makes me feel a little bit better! =]</p>