Will this affect my college application

When I was in 7th grade, I took Algebra 1. I got a b for one semester. In eighth grade, I took geometry and got a b again for one semester. I was told that these 2 B’s would show up on my transcript, but would not be counted toward by high school gpa. Now I am a sophomore and I got an A in honors precalculus and calculus. I also have a 4.0 unweighted gpa. Will the 2 b’s that will show up on my transcript from middle school affect my college admissions?

Really? You have a 4.0. Surely someone who is as talented at math as you are understands how this 4.0 happened so why are you worried about earning a B…twice?

What colleges are you thinking about that care about middle school grades?

I can’t imagine any college caring about a grade you earned six years before you matriculated, much less six very formative years in the growth and maturation areas.

To sum it up…No.