Hi I’m planning on transferring from a CCC to a UCLA, my intended major to transfer is Anthropology. There’s a total of anthropology courses (anthropology 1, 2, 3, 5) I need to take to transfer for my major. I was going through a lot of personal things and ended up with a C
If I were to ace the remaining 3 prereq classes I need to take, would I have a chance at getting into UCLA for anthropology?
(I calculated what my gpa were to be if I aced the remaining classes and the total came to be 3.50)
P.S. I’m also open to majoring in sociology however, I understand it’s an impacted major. I’m currently taking a prereq for sociology also, will I be better off applying as a sociology major or anthropology major?
You’d likely be better off applying for anthropology. I don’t believe sociology is as impacted as say communications where you basically need a 4.0 or you’re screwed. The thing is that aside from the intro course and stats, there really isn’t much to take as prep for the major while you’re in CC. Some CC’s offer the analysis course for sociology, but even then, I believe there’s more you can complete for anthro at a CC. I was accepted as an anthro major at UCLA. I ultimately did not attend as I had a more appealing offer. I got a B in stats though and was terrified to risk applying as a socio major. A 3.5 GPA does seem to be within the range of GPAs for the anthropology BA major. Was the C in a major related course? If the rest of your grades are solid, the impact of this hiccup on your record would matter less and you’d have a shot.
Yes I received a C in Physical Anthropology. Since there’s only four prereq courses, I’m afraid that a C in 1/4 courses would affect my chances.
Absolutely. It will hurt your chances.
So I think you double posted and I answered you previous thread, but I’d like to address you major change question…I actually think changing to sociology might not be such a bad idea. Idk what your plans are after undergrad, but if you’re pre-med, it doesn’t matter what you major in. So for sociology, although it’s impacted, you might actually have a better shot at it since you can start fresh with a new major GPA, and the prereqs for Soc are super easy. Take those classes and see how you do, then decide. Keep in mind tho that the average GPA for Soc majors is higher than anthro