Will this decrease my chances ...

<p>This is kind of a weird situation. I have taken the ACT 3 times: 32 first time (34,34,36,25) in June 08, 32 second time October 08 (33,33,30,31), and 33 the third time December 08 (34,33,30,33). I sent my first score to all the colleges I'm applying to, nearly all of which are of high caliber (Yale, Princeton, UPenn, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, etc.). My mom, helpful as she was trying to be, wanted to do all the busy work for me, like sending the scores. So she decided to send my 32 in October to everywhere, which I DID NOT want because I knew I was gonna do better in December and I was just going to send the first 32 and the 33. However, now that I've just sent the 33 to all my schools, I've sent 3 scores to all my colleges, which I had originally wanted and PLANNED to be 2. How much of a factor (having sent 32,32,33 instead of 32,33) will this make in my chances of admission into those schools? I thought it would have a negative effect because the admission people would see that I took the test 3 times instead of 2 which is bad (I think?). Anybody care to share their thoughts? I'm kind of angry about this whole situation.</p>

<p>Personally, I think you’ll be fine. They’ll take a look at the highest grades…The rest goes in the garbage can… I dont think they’ll look at you taking the test three times as negative…if anything that will show them that you dont take no for an answer and when you are determined, no matter how long it takes, you’ll accomplish your goal…</p>

<p>Good luck buddy…</p>

<p>Happy New Year…</p>


<p>Anybody else?</p>