Will this essay get a 0? I'm thinking of cancelling the score.

<p>I had the reality tv essay. My thesis was that entertainment that brands itself as reality can be harmful because it gives people a false sense of reality and can influence people do think what the people writing it want them to think.</p>

<p>P 1: 1984-Said that the Party had people watch TV/news that they said was real, and people believed it. It was harmful because it gave them a false sense of truth.
2: Germany in the 1930's. Germans showed videos of Jews, to incite the citizens. Led to German citizens to be bystanders in a genocide, because the so called "reality" was really propaganda.
3: Brave New World: The tv/movies they watched were harmful because they maintained a caste system</p>

<p>I used big words like complacent, docile, etc, but will I get a 0 for being off topic?</p>

<p>I don’t think so…personally I would have used reality tv examples. This was one of the easiest prompts I’ve seen CB use and it’s one of the few that you could pull from everyday things. Kudos for using lit/history but you probably over thought it.</p>

<p>I had the photography one so I’m just bitter I didn’t get this one :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>All in all your essay is mostly going to be graded for how well you can write. Should be fine.</p>

<p>Do I have a chance at a 10+? My writing was good, and it was really long, 2 full pages in miniature handwriting.</p>

<p>sounds like a winner to me!</p>

<p>I dont know. It does seem a bit off topic. If you read the quote it was easy to figure out that the prompt revolved around the danger of modern day reality television. But who knows, the readers might appreciate the older references.</p>

<p>I’d say you’re pretty safe from a 0. You’re not very far off topic at all. To get a zero, you’d have to have written about say…George Washington’s leadership. If you drew a parallel from reality TV to propaganda, that’s going to be just fine.</p>

<p>The SAT doesnt give zeros easily, they are actually pretty lose about what is on topic. I heard that only .1% of essays receive a score of zero, and most of those were blank. As long as you have a solid thesis and link your examples back to it, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>well, im thinking that the key in the essay grading will be what they consider the actual essay question. The actual question was about reality entertainment and had nothing to do with modern day, but in the little box it had stuff about modern day. What is the real question?</p>

<p>The real question is the thing that is NOT in the little box. The stuff in the little box can be totally ignored…it’s just there to get your creative juices flowing if you’re drawing a blank.

<p>REALLY? That’s good news, I think my essay was ok in that case…</p>

<p>Yeah… I never read the little box (Got an 11 on my last essay). It tends to cause you to think a certain way. DW about it… as long as you wrote well and were on topic and wrote the full 2 pages you should get 10+. </p>

<p>My paragraphs: </p>

<li><p>Fashion Magazines - They cause/d many young girls to become anorexic and bulimic as a result of demonstrating “false” reality. Talked about how many fashion magazines re-edited Model’s pictures to make them seem superhuman aka depicting a false reality which caused negative effects on younger generations of women. (I’m a dude but I figured this would be okay haha) </p></li>
<li><p>Talked about how in North Korea everybody is led to believe in crazy things like that Kim Jong-Il created the hamburger and cell phone and how this seeps into their media and creates a false reality. Then I went on to talk about how this actually invades peoples’ freedom of knowledge and truth.</p></li>

<p>Ok, I agree that the topic is flexible. But in the ACTUAL essay question, it stated “REALITY ENTERTAINMENT” </p>

<p>Now I’m no essay master, but nowhere in the prompt did it talk about “what distorts reality”, or how “certain forms of entertainment distort reality”. </p>

<p>The question asked about, is REALITY entertainment beneficial or harmful.</p>

<p>The question did not ask about the effects on reality, or people’s version of reality or truth.</p>

<p>Just saying, when the question asks about REALITY ENTERTAINMENT, and the quote (whether you read it or not) talks about reality television, it should be safe to assume the question was asking about reality entertainment, specifically reality shows.</p>

<p>One might call me too literal and mentally show, but the safest bet to scoring well on the essay is to directly answer the question given - not to twist the question around so it asks something else. </p>

<p>Its your responsibility to answer the question, not make it into another question</p>

<p>^ The essay prompt was something along the lines of: </p>

<p>“Do forms of entertainment that portray a false sense of reality benefit people? Answer why or why not…”</p>

<p>the prompt was not that</p>

<p>Then what was it?</p>

<p>Either way the things I related it to fit your bill… I’m just trying to get the actual prompt. lol</p>

<p>I accidentally started the essay on the second page and continued on the first page…will I get points off???</p>

<p>I wrote my essay very well it was just that??</p>

<p>haha why would you do that?</p>

<p>Hahaha well if you clearly indicated the essay starts on page 2 I’m sure it’s okay. They might be less inclined to give you a high score. But that’s just my opinion. I would be a little annoyed if I were a grader and had to follow arrows and stuff lol </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>skarpi is most definitely right…sidthekid might just be paranoid :wink: its not just tv, it stated forms of reality entertainment not “Do tv shows…”</p>

<p>The prompt was about “reality entertainment” not “entertainment that shows reality” - for instance, Jersey Shore is reality entertainment. Call of Duty Black ops is entertainment that shows reality (war). Two completely different topics. Sorry to be a negative nancy, but they are two completely different topics.</p>