Will transferring help or hurt graduate school application??

In high-school I was solid academically (4.7 GPA; SAT Math: 750, Reading: 740, Writing: 670; well-balanced when it came to extra-curricular activities) However, I didn't try applying to a lot of great schools b/c I just didn't know what I wanted to do with my life or what I wanted in a university. So, I decided to go to Texas Tech because it was close to home, I got full scholarships, and I thought it would give me some time to figure out my major.</p>

<p>The present situation:
I have been at Texas Tech for 2 years now. I am a Chemical Engineering major and Mandarin Chinese minor; I have a 4.0; I am pursuing really interesting (long-term) research with a faculty member; I teach physics classes at the University part-time; I am involved in the community, etc. Although I am doing well, I now look back on my decision in high school and wonder if I could have done better. Overall, I am having a hard time fitting in with the social environment at Tech, and I am not challenged by the coursework. </p>

<p>The issue:
How does transferring affect graduate school applications??? Ultimately, I want to get into a really good graduate school. Stanford would be my dream choice! </p>

<p>Several other universities in Texas are considered to be more challenging/prestigious than Texas Tech. This spring I applied to the University of Texas as a transfer and got in without any issues. From what I understand, the chemical engineering program is one of the top in the nation, but I still haven't decided whether I will actually attend in the fall. I feel unsure about whether or not transferring to another public university will actually enhance my graduate school application. Is it more beneficial to show a sense of commitment and just stick it out at Texas Tech? If I stay, I will graduate without any student loans, I would probably finish with a solid 4.0, plus I would be able to finish my research and probably publish. If I leave and go to UT instead, there is no guarantee that I will find another undergraduate research sponsor, but the academic program is supposed to be great and I know I will be fulfilled socially in Austin. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience or opinions which could shed some light on the situation?</p>

<p>Transferring is not the issue here - breaking up your current situation will be.</p>

<p>You have a lot of great grad school “checkmarks” right now at Texas Tech - teaching and research experience, working closely with professors, building relationships that will make for great LoRs, etc. You’re talking about throwing that all away for some nebulous notion of “prestige.” I don’t think that’s sensible at all. The name on your diploma is of much less importance to your application than what’s behind that diploma. As you note, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get yourself in the same situation at UT.</p>

<p>If graduate school is your goal, I don’t think it would be smart to leave the situation you have now, because you are putting together all the pieces for a very successful graduate application.</p>