Will Yale accept and read my supplementary materials?

<p>So I mailed out my supplementary materials on Oct 30 via TNT and they were delivered to Yale Admissions Office yesterday. Now I'm a bit worried if Yale will still read them cuz they were sent in office after the deadline however mailed prior to Nov.1
Anyone gives me a clear answer plz? Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>November 1st was a postmark deadline.</p>

<p>Leowin: apply some logic here (I know it’s difficult not to be nervous and paranoid). </p>

<p>I’d imagine tons of materials are arriving even now and they’re sorting and scanning everything into the files. What reason imaginable would they have for disregarding your stuff? It’s not as if they could read everything in one day.</p>

<p>You’ve got to consider what the officers’ goal: to read through and find the best kids possible. They aren’t ■■■■■■ guarding a bridge demanding your first born. They actually are looking to get you in, if possible.</p>

<p>Ahaha, that’s a hilarious comparison! ■■■■■■ guarding a bridge…heh…you made me giggle in a library filled with most august (read old) scholars.</p>

<p>August can also mean revered one (hence my nickname will be Augustus when I can change my name). </p>

<p>You are being way over paranoid. They probably just started opening and reading applications that were sent and scanned in weeks ago. I bet they are still receiving EA applications.</p>