William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

Freshmen Deadlines and Decision Dates

Regular Decision

January 2 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online
February 1 - FAFSA and CSS Profile priority deadline for financial aid
March 1 - FAFSA and CSS Profile final deadline for financial aid
By April 1 - decisions will be emailed to students
May 1 - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date


My son sent his application in last night along with his arts supplement. Great to have that one in! Anyone else in the RD pool?

My S23 submitted back in October. Definitely one of his top choices!


Same for mine. I’m a bit jealous of all of those students who already have received their decisions. None of ours will come out until mid Feb at the earliest.

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W&M in the past has sent out cypher postcards to some of the applicants around the end of January indicating good news is coming.


Yes. Only about 25% of admits will get those. Would be great to be one of them!


D is regular decision also. She applied late October. Biology.

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My son missed the deadline but was given an extension and plans to apply tonight. It’s been such a crazy December with him getting the flu and then it turned really serious and he missed a bunch of school and his finals. Then he was also trying to cram his last college apps. Luckily he had done most as EA.

But I regret that we came to find W&M really late. It sounds so perfect. Funny how those annoying mailers can actually work!

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My daughter applied regular decision too and yes limbo land is not fun! My son graduated from W&M and had a fantastic experience.


What did your son love most about his experience?

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My daughter also graduated from WM, and I’m an alum. For her, she loved the smaller, walkable campus, very accessible professors, her research/campus job opportunities. It also is so nice to be able to walk right into the historic area from campus. Lots of beautiful spaces to get away from your studies for a bit. All students get free access to Colonial Williamsburg.


The size was just right for him-not too big or too small. He was challenged academically but it was manageable. Students seemed friendly, involved, open-minded, and Greek life was pretty low key. W&M was also generous with AP credits. (He graduated in 3 years with a normal semester course load.)


Has W&M posted when they will announce the admission decision date?
I submitted my application ~3.5 weeks ago and the limbo is kind of eating me alive :confused:

According to their site, notifications won’t come out until mid-March which is pretty common for RD. Several weeks before getting formally accepted, my son received a green postcard from them that good news was coming. This was a surprise and very exciting! Just checked W&M’s site and they only send postcards to 25% of accepted students so if you don’t get one, that doesn’t mean you won’t get accepted. Good luck!


If you applied ED 2, then they say Early February. If you applied Regular Decision, then they are emailed by April 1.

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My child got a postcard today!


Where are you located?


Mine too! So excited over here!! Congratulations!


Northern Virginia

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what application cycle did you apply with, ED 2 or RD
I applied RD and have not received anything yet