William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

That’s terrific - I love hearing about kids who found the right place for them!

As ever, knowing that 90% of kids would be happy as clams at 90% of the places they end up applying, I’m sure our D would love W&M. For whatever reason she’s just never shown the same that we’ve seen from her when she talks about a few other schools (including some other public school in Virginia where she was waitlisted, which will remain unnamed in this thread!).

I certainly enjoyed seeing the Tribe football team go so far this year; hopefully they don’t run into the Montana (State?) buzzsaw again next time.

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Anyone attending Day for Admitted Students? My daughter wasn’t able to attend a few years ago, so now I’m getting to go with my son. I’m the more excited one!

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yes!! I’m so excited, i just want April 15th to be here already!

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Attending Richmond Preview the day before and W&M DFAS on the 15th. So looking forward to getting to the end of this process!! Look for me, I’ll be the one with the W&M shirt on


Please share how you compare your impressions of the two, and how they both compare to Villanova since you have been there

We are planning to come unless something changes.

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I would love to know this as well. Comparing Villanova and William & Mary.

Also, anyone know anything about the green and gold days if we cannot attend Admitted Student Day?

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I attended Green and Gold Days a few years back with my daughter. It was a good overview, and I’m glad we went. There were some good sessions. My daughter got to meet other students who were planning on attending. Much smaller than the full DFAS, but if you can’t attend DFAS, it’s a good alternative.


Schedule for Green and Gold Days


We went to all of them last year and the nice thing about the ‘You Belong’ session was it allowed for extra long time for our kids to be paired with a current student (1:1) who walked them around campus/buildings and gave them personal information/lay of the land. They were able to have intimate conversations and provide some information not covered by the big sessions.


And if anyone goes to the Wake Forest one I would love to hear impressions

@SEV & @MamaSquale - Will provide an update after the visits. As of today, that looks to be the final 3 for my S23 as well. I’m a little disappointed we won’t get to the Nova admitted student day since it overlaps with W&M. However we did go to the fall preview day that was a big event.

What’s the intended majors?

Is your student choosing between WF and W&M? Would love to hear pro/cons.

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Communications but at Wm and Mary would have to pick something else, but is prelaw so that’s ok
The admitted student day at Villanova is supposed to be amazing, apparently the whole student body gets involved in welcoming them. We can’t go either, disappointing that they only offer 1 day

Sorry you can’t make it out. But congrats on Nova (I remembered we had the reverse outcomes right? My S was accepted at Nova Early but Deferred at Richmond) I don’t think there is a wrong decision between the three (blessed to have choices)

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I’ve shared before but I will share it again so it is fresh … our son is graduating in May from W&M and our daughter will be a freshman in the fall. We’ve loved W&M! Excited for four more years. Is it perfect? No. Is any school? Also no.

But those who come here DO belong here. For those of you playing along, that means he was a freshman when covid hit. We weathered the pandemic at W&M and again, not perfect but he is graduating with a fabulous degree (with honors) and has an amazing job lined up starting in June.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions and I will do my best to answer!


Yes exactly, good memory :smile:

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I was accepted to the St Andrews William & Mary Joint Degree Programme in Economics. Was anyone else on this thread accepted? Does anyone have any feedback on this programme? I have visited both schools and am very excited, however I am wondering how it is socially?


I have seen the St. Andrews program referenced in other threads. I’ve heard great things about it, and students who have participated have loved their experiences. I’ve read that the students involved become very close.

Although several yrs ago (2017), S had his final decision between these two. He ultimately went with Wake but thought W&M was great. The big differentiator for him was he felt Wake was more socially oriented. Although quite involved in activities in HS, he was on the quiet side. You might say shy or introverted. He wanted to change that in college. Attended the Accepted Students Day for both. Thought W&M was very friendly, kids were super nice, etc. but he sensed it would likely keep him where he was socially. He viewed the kids as very academic, smart, passionate but not very exciting. At Wake he felt like the kids were equally bright and committed to academics but far more active in things that mattered to him (sports - intramural, club and of course as a fan). It worked great for him and he definitely grew socially. Became a leader in a few orgs, etc.

Both great schools! Very personal decision. Can’t speak for W&M, but a very typical student at Wake is both very smart and active. Many were Vals / Sals, Class Presidents, sports team captains, leaders.