William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you so much for your reply! Would you happen to know what threads you saw the programme talked about? I might start one, however I’d like to read everything I can because it’s such a specific programme, and so different than the typical college experience.

Thank you for replying. I’m sorry if my post wasn’t clear. I was actually asking about this specific programme, because if I attend I will be spending two years at each school. I will attend my freshman year this fall at William and Mary, my sophomore year at St. Andrews in Scotland, and then one more year at each school (I choose which one, which year). I can attend graduations at both schools and will have a joint degree from both. There are only about 50 students each year (and only about 5 in economics), so it’s a small cohort. I’m worried about how it is for students socially because I will be bouncing back and forth and I’m wondering how connected students feel to both schools, how easy it is to keep up with friendships, etc.

Thanks again for replying, and I’m glad your son is so happy!


Search william and mary joint degree and you’ll find some threads. Some are older but still may be helpful.

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My daughter just got accepted into the Joint Degree Programme for English. I’m so excited for her! We are still waiting on a few schools, but the Joint Degree Programme is the current frontrunner. I think that the cohort of students in the Programme probably get to know each other really well. It’ll be different going between schools, but I’m confident the social life will be amazing at both schools. This is definitely a strong contender for her and we will be doing a deep dive into it in the coming days. Congratulations!


We are exploring the Verto fall semester abroad option with spring guaranteed admit. Would we still be able to attend a Green & Gold Day? We visited and toured campus last year. Thank you.

My guess would be no? But worth reaching out to Admissions. I did find this. Spring Pathway Option for Waitlisted Freshmen | William & Mary

Thank you, I will reach out to admissions.

Nice to see the excitement here! Two years ago my D was a somewhat shy high school senior from a small town, feeling happy but a little overwhelmed at the thought of attending W&M. What a difference two years makes! She has blossomed in these two years…thrived academically, developed solid friendships with kids from everywhere, holds office in an honor fraternity, joined a Greek sorority (something she thought she wouldn’t do). She volunteers as a tour guide and has applied to work as an orientation aid for you (or your kid) in August! Congratulations and Go Tribe!


My daughter went to Villanova, but transferred to Georgetown after a year. I can answer some questions for you

Thank you. Of course I will ask, why did she transfer from Villanova?

My D was in Willis/Taliaferro freshman year and has many fond memories (still, her closest friends are from that dorm experience). Sadly, the dorm, which looks like a charming little house, is being torn down and replaced with something larger. For her, the small, close-knit dorm was ideal for transitioning to college. She loved the location too, right by the ancient part of campus (where most of her classes are) and the little downtown/CW …she likes to take breaks to visit the CW horses in their pasture. We can hope the new dorm in that spot will continue the tradition (albeit housed in a more spacious package).


OMG yes, I keep getting pics of CW fur & feather and then there are the on-campus trails by lake Matoaka which she loves to walk to decompress.


Well, Covid happened and she decided she wanted to be closer to home (we are in Northern Virginia). Villanova is very Greek- that’s a big consideration for boys especially. She said boys can’t attend parties unless they’re in a frat or over 21 (or have a fake). There was no big reason, just circumstances. There were some cliques because they admit a lot of NY, NJ and PA kids who all seem to have 6 degrees, or less, of separation. The area is very nice, pretty and safe - frankly I enjoyed going up to visit. But in the end, I definitely prefer having her closer to home


Thank you good to know. We are from the Midwest so I do worry about breaking into the NE crowd, she also does not want to join a sorority. We have been told that for girls it is not a big deal and only 30% join so hopefully that is not an issue. There are tons of clubs she already is interested in joining so hopefully she can find her people there

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Don’t know which school your D is leaning toward but my D is also out-of-state and it has never been an issue. We’re from the very western part of the mid-Atlantic (more central Appalachia than anything else) so D was not part of the NOVA crowd. She was also a tad shy going into college. Apart from first-week freshman jitters she has had NO difficulty feeling part of things and bonded very quickly with kids from her dorm. I get the feeling that most students don’t make distinctions between in-state and OOS in forming friendships. Her closest friends happen to be from the Chicago area, Austin, Texas, Florida and NOVA.

Also, D didn’t join the sorority until sophmore year and I get the feeling that her closest friends are still those she made from the freshman dorm and through an honor/service fraternity. I think she joined the sorority more as a “why not?” …she was curious and didn’t want to leave that stone unturned, so to speak, and she finds it convenient to have something guaranteed to do on the weekends if not doing other things. She has a boyfriend who is not in a fraternity and so the sorority is more of an add-on in her life. I know she would still be happy and active at W&M without it. So if there are a number of clubs your D would like to join, I think she would not feel at all out of place as a midwesterner at W&M! It’s a friendly place.

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Thank you so much, sounds like she can’t go wrong with either option. We feel very blessed to have such wonderful options

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Kids under 18 can attend the UK program.

Here is some info about the class of 2027 and the upcoming DFAS


My son was accepted to the JDP from the St Andrews side. It’s exciting and as more we learn about the program the better its gets. Certainly the “break” in a four year college program is frightening but it can also be an incredible experience. Would like to hear more about the experiences of other currently in the program or have graduated recently.


Hi! Sorry for the delay…been out of town. Thanks for your reply.
Where did you read that? VERTO told us all three Abroad programs for W&M are for 18+:(