William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter liked W&M a lot as well on our tour. I joined the parent page awhile back & the biggest issue I see is with the food. There have been many threads, a petition, kids getting sick written about. Other than that and despite that, people seem to love it for the academics and social aspects. The campus itself is lovely as is the town. The facebook group is called W&M Family Group

Admitted, W&M is not known for its great cuisine. However, my daughter would just call the food rather ā€˜mehā€™ than horrible. She is also an adventurous eater without any restrictions. For holidays they have stepped up and showed they can actually put on great tasty food, so it not a skills issue.
The contract with the current provider runs out and they have posted the bid. Nobody knows if they will select the same one again or a new provider.

At the end of freshman year, she knows the dishes she prefers or how to DYI from several food stations to make another new meal on her plate. Also, Marketplace has different options using Dining Dollars that taste better (per her). Might be because they are not on unlimited swipes.

She also recommends the Griffin Deals as tasty.


Wow. Thanks for that answer! That is really informative and Iā€™ll have to show it to my husband and son. My husband wasnā€™t able to go, but we visited the campus a year ago and loved it. We have family nearby, so we did a ā€œfamily zoneā€ college tour out there. I think we will do the Monroe Scholar weekend as soon as we decide it is for sure one of his top three. We are just waiting on some more decisions.


Just Updated (W&M Admission) - Decisions will be released Friday, March 24th at 5 PM (EST). Best of luck everyone! Go Tribe!


RD release, Friday @ 5 PM


I can speak to one dimension of your post. You mentioned the law school interest - law schools certainly necessitate advanced reading, writing, and speaking skills (or at least the ability to verbally articulate multifaceted principles/theories). W&M definitely prepared me for grad school. I have a M.S. from Drexel U, a M.A. from Columbia University (NY), and a law degree. While I cannot speak for the preparation one might receive from other schools, I will say that W&M prepared me for all three graduate degree programs that I completed. In fact, I was in many ways ā€œover-preparedā€ if thatā€™s even possible. GPA at Drexel was north of a 3.9 (4.0 scale), GPA at Columbia was perfect, and GPA in law school was enough for high rank (GPA is a bit different in L-School). What can I attribute to my experience at W&M? At the College, I continued to improve my writing. Specifically, I practiced precision, creative ideas formulation, and the advanced application of sources in argumentation/thesis argument development. Improvement was made vis-a-vis professor feedback and freely offered writing workshops (provided by PhD students). Also, logic and reasoning skills were paramount to success. One of the required courses at my law school was ā€œAppellate Advocacy.ā€ This was widely understood to be one of the most, if not the most, challenging course offered. I was one of 20 out of approximately 180 in my class to receive an ā€œA.ā€ Part of that course included writing an 80 page appellate brief and using it to argue in a simulated trial. Additionally, I scored in the 98th percentile on the analytical writing section of the GRE and successfully defended both Masterā€™s theses. Let me make this clear: I say none of this for personal gain or to draw attention to myself. I share this information with the greatest humility and gratitude for those who helped me along the way! If not for W&M and my support system, I honestly do not believe that I would have achieved these heights in graduate school. Professors at W&M mulled over papers with me, helping with mistakes/questionable aspects and providing constructive feedback/new directions forward. One professor went as far as to explain that he only suggested I take on a seminar topic, because he believed that I could do that topic justice. That level of belief and encouragement inspired me to exceed my perceived limitations. Iā€™m not sure that I would have encountered such experiences at a larger university (with larger class sizes and many TAā€™s). Additionally, I was able to regularly interact with my professors and peers in classes. Professors genuinely enjoy teaching at W&M and encourage students to articulate thoughts on complex topics. I gained tremendous confidence through these interactions - they benefited me in all grad school programs that I pursued. Iā€™ll stop rambling, but the difference that W&M (and the people there) made in my life trajectory is the reason why I continue to revisit this forum and help where I can. Best of luck.


My 2022 WM grad was recently discussing law school and how much writing she would need to do. She said, ā€œI really donā€™t like writing, but after WM I know how to do it extremely well.ā€ I have no concerns about her getting into a great law school and excelling.


Thank you! I appreciate the time you took to add this information. This is helping us to make our decision. Congratulations to you as well!

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Happy to help! :grinning:

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Has anyoneā€™s portals changed at all? Does everyone still have the withdraw button at the bottom of the portal?

My son doesnā€™t see that? But tbh --he didnā€™t remember seeing it before eitherā€¦lol

Itā€™s at the very bottom of the portal

Ok, we found it. Yup! Still there! haha

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Still have the withdraw

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My withdraw button is gone


My sonā€™s is gone too.

Mine is still there

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My DDā€™s is still there.


I donā€™t think my DD has ever had the withdraw button :grimacing: Now, I am worrying something has been missing in her application the whole time. The bottom of her portal says to check out Prospective Student Webpages, and above that it has Upcoming Registered Events, and above that it has a list of the submitted itemsā€¦transcripts and counselor recsā€¦