You have to like isolation to go to Williams and its better to be athletic there, and love winter. While Carlton is also cold, its closer to major city, and most students find Carlton to be more fun loving student body. Williams has a LOT of boarding school kids who are used to very rural isolated campuses, so if that describes you, Williams may work well. For a public school educated student from a large city, my niece hated Williams and tried to transfer to Carlton in fact, but it did not work out. She got away from Williams campus every January and summer, and one semester abroad so she survived, but did not enjoy Williamstown at all.
To get to Boston from Williamstown is truly an agonizing bus ride. My niece did that several times to get
away, as the social life at Willams was stifling and the town just so small. If you can cross country ski, it will help to get through the long winter in Williamstown.
History department is absolutely excellent at Willlams. Also very good at Carlton. Carlton is tough, with the quarter calendar, very intense academics there. Williams offers the 4-1-4 calendar, which is fabulous to go travel in January and get away from the bitter cold and grey in Western Massachusetts.
Minnesota is much sunnier in the winter, but even colder, at times, depending on polar vortex swings. But Carlton , you can get on a bus and get up to Minneapolis to get away. Its about 35 minutes. ! And students regularly get
out of the college town to get to the city. You can do this even for a school evening, sometimes. Its really nice to have Minneapolis so close by to travel to and from your hometown as well, Its a great airport.
Be prepared to fly to Albany NY, and bus over, to Williamstown. Its pretty grim if your flight gets canceled, but should work out OK most of the time. More flights to Albany NY on many airlines lately so easier than even two years ago to get to Williams.
Lots of Carlton kids take a quarter and work in Chicago as well, and then go to school in Europe in the Summer!
Carlton has the London program and many others, so you can easily go abroad, from either college.