<p>I would like to know every and anything that you know, have heard, or have thought about Williston Northampton. I am interested in this boarding school, have looked on the website. The main thing I want to know about is their ACADEMIC REPUTATION. are they know for having good academics and sending kids to top tiers colleges?</p>
<p>Thanks for any and all responses.</p>
<p>Go to the Prep School section of this forum and post your question. You will get more responses. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-admissions/</a></p>
<p>That said, Williston is an excellent prep boarding school and the graduates gain admission to a range of colleges, including some that are highly selective. You should not base your choice of a boarding school on the odds of getting into a top-ranked college, however.</p>
<p>thanks for the input!</p>
<p>OP - I sent you a PM about Williston.</p>
<p>Hi, I attended Williston for my junior and senior year of high school (I boarded at the school). </p>
<p>Here are my thoughts: </p>
<p>I really enjoyed my time at Williston. The teachers were very dedicated to making sure students had a fulfilling classroom experience and the boarding experience was excellent; even the food was, for the most part, very good. I also found a good balance between athletics and academics. I found the social scene a little harder for me (but, I didn’t grow up in the United States and I’d attribute it to that), though Williston does try hard to have a lot of events geared toward boarding students. I still have very good friends from my Williston days that I am in touch with. </p>
<p>I eventually went on to attend Brown University. However, students attend a range of colleges and college admissions is for the most part (for better or worse) about numbers (SAT score, GPA) and to a lesser extent essays (while a good essay might not get you in, a bad one will keep you out). Where you went to high school and what state you are from (Brown in particularly tries to have all 50 states represented and they are more lenient with admissions if you are from North Dakota or Alaska) play a small roll at best. A high school senior with a 1600 on the SATs (back in the day it was 1600, I guess 2400 now [and a decent essay]) will get you in anywhere regardless. While Williston will give you the tools to be better prepared for college, it won’t get you into a certain college. The onus is on the student.</p>