Winging It - For All "Flyboys"

<p>My gramma cut this article out for me and i thought it was hiliarous.</p>

<p>Some fules of the air for flyboys [and girls!]</p>

<p>Every take off is optional - Every landing is mandatory.</p>

<p>When in doubt, hold on to your altitude - no one has ever collided with the sky.</p>

<p>The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start to sweat.</p>

<p>The only time you can ever have too much fuel is when you are on fire.</p>

<p>Stay out of the clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might just be another airplane traveling in the opposite direction.</p>

<p>You start out with a bag full of luck and an empty bad of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before emptying the bag of luck.</p>

<p>The are three simple rules for making a smooth land. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.</p>

<p>A little something i hope can bring a faint smile, chuckle or laugh to who ever reads them - i know it did for me (but i laugh at just about anything…)</p>

<p>thats damn funny.... BTW if you're wondering search thats where it's from..</p>


<p>Heh .. that's pretty good.</p>

<p>"When in doubt, hold on to your altitude - no one has ever collided with the sky." --> What about mountains?</p>