Winter Classes at Cornell

<p>I am an entering freshman and am wondering how many people take winter classes at Cornell. Are these classes popular among students and generally how difficult are they in comparison with the same course taken over a semester? </p>

<p>My other concern is where do students stay during the winter if they are taking a course? Since the residence halls are closed for the winter, do students typically go out to rent an apartment for a few weeks? </p>

<p>Currently I am debating whether I should go back to California for winter break or if I should just stay at Cornell and fulfill a few easy CAS requirements over the winter.</p>

<p>i'm certain sublets are popular forms of housing...there arent that many courses offered in the winter...</p>

<p>and some are even online/distance courses which means you wouldnt even have to be on campus...</p>

<p>i dont think you could fulfill "a few" courses over the winter...seeing as they are 3 week courses and one would be more than enough...</p>

<p>You could do one course over break...and it's expensive (over $900 per credit). If you want to get CAS requirements finished during breaks...I recommend staying in Ithaca for a summer. Many Cornellians stay for summer classes...and you'd have an easier time finding housing. </p>

<p>I'm back here now to pack up my apartment and it's absolutely gorgeous.</p>

<p>I'm definitely subletting my apartment over the entire winter break (if there are any takers) and it's a really beautiful house downtown. </p>

<p>But I agree with the previous poster: ithaca over the summer is magical!!</p>

<p>Do certain majors require them, such as engineering?
Or are they just a good idea? In which case do students tend to do them every year or just once or twice?

<p>They are not required by any college or major, and I don’t know of anyone personally who took one.</p>

<p>One of my buddies took a winter course. She enjoyed it…but said it very intense…which makes sense since the winter session is 3 weeks long :wink: </p>

<p>I personally wouldn’t recommend the winter session…save your money for the summer session…Ithaca is gorgeous during the summer.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of anyone taking the winter session courses either. I didn’t even know that they offered normal courses. And you don’t generally want to be in Ithaca in January anyway.</p>

<p>It helps in planning!</p>