<p>Is anyone taking bild 1 this quarter with golden susan or the other lady? (i forgot her name but she had really bad ratings).</p>
<p>but anyways, i'm kind of confused on the required textbooks.. this is what is on triton link:</p>
<p>1)*3 Biology Bundle (text W/mastering Biology+ucsd Portal+i-clicker Rebate), 9 Edition, 9781256364283</p>
<p>first of all, is this unbundle worth it? it's near 200 dollars and i have no idea what the heck is mastering biology and ucsd portal. plus how much would the i clicker rebate be? just wondering if this bundle is worth it or not or should i just buy the book and clicker separately but i'm not sure if i would need some things like ucsd portal..</p>