Winter Term

What exactly is “Winter Term”? Does everyone participate? Is it included in tuition or extra?

Winter term is a one month long term in January, also called J Term for January. Students take 1 course. I believe the tuition for January term is included in fall term so all students should participate. January term offers a time to do study abroad or a course that is more intense. Our tour guide chose to do core classes that were not part of her major.

At another school a tour guide told us that he took Spanish one January term and then travelled to Costa Rica and another Spanish-speaking country in other Januarys. This along with living in a Spanish dorm allowed him to become proficient in Spanish.

@BookMom2025. Thank you! That’s very cool.

That sounds like an awesome idea. Is it graded? Is there no spring break at Elon then?

As I understand it, the January term is a single graded class for credit, no different than the classes in the fall and spring terms except that it is 1 class in 4 weeks instead of 4 weeks over 15/16 weeks.

I don’t know about spring break, but January term means that Elon students start back early in January with a very short winter break compared to schools that don’t start back until the 2nd or 3rd week in January.

They have a 10 day break in March. If you google “Elon calendar 2021” it links to next year’s schedule.

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