Wisconsin Madison vs Purdue vs Texas A&M for Electrical Undergrad

I am an International student accepted into the above mentioned universities.
Which one should be preferred for electrical engineering?
Ranking is almost the same so doesnt count but other things as in job perspective, academics etc?

Job prospects? In the U.S. or your country?

In the U.S. basically. Except the ranking to be honest, I want to know which among the three will be the best for me?
I am inclined towards Madison but I want some experienced people to guide me through :slight_smile:

@PM2198 : I posted a similar thread here in this link: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/1857962-engineering-help-p1.html . You can go through it if you like. I am also in a similar situation. My only worry at UW-Madison is the money. I dont know whether I will be able to afford it or not.

The best school for you is the one you like best among these choices. You are a whole person, not just your profession. Look at the campus, climate and ethnic foods available to you in each city. fwi- Madison has Indian grocery stores and some good restaurants if that is on your radar.

Money counts- the school needs to be affordable.

I am from India currently residing in Kuwait.
Indian food might be on my radar. Money definitely counts a lot. I have discussed with my Dad so that is not going to be a problem.
One of the main things which has been told to me is that Madison’s weather can be an issue.
Also it is a party school as well but I guess all that depends from student to student.
Main point of inquiry is quality of academics in Madison as compared to the other two?
and @Adwaya you’re thread helped a lot :’)

One more thing @wis75 and @Madison85
A doubt I had after reading some other threads.
My letter clearly states that I have been admitted to the College of Engineering in UW Madison. This means I will just have to get into my preferred major once I am there. For that, what are requirements (GPA etc. )?
And does Madison have any 4 plus 1 year course so that Masters can be completed?

@PM2198 : Texas will be burning hot, and Wisconsin will be freezing cold. But if you are in Kuwait, I will choose the former., Weather might be a issue…

@Adwaya Weather will maybe but I do not want that to prevent me from getting world class facilities.
Madison has a very high reputation outside the States as well.
Do you have any idea regarding academic requirements (GPA etc. ) for getting joining our intended major?
And does Madison have any 4 plus 1 year course so that Masters can be completed?

Check the UW engineering website for the academic programs available- an email to them could be useful. Consider experiencing the four seasons. btw- Texas also gets winter weather in many places. Indian H spent over 30 years working in WI- we are now retired to a climate that’s great in winter but terrible in summers for me. As an overall campus UW is a great place to be. Purdue is less interesting. Remember you will be getting the American college experience- you will not merely be studying.

Contact the international student organizations at each school to find out others’ experiences. Info on the schools’ websites under student life/activities.