wisconsin madison

<p>hi, so i got the decision mail today and i got accepted to university of wisconsin, madison.
The mail said that I need to decide whether i'm confirming admission or not by May 1 or 10 days later from the date of admission, whichever is later.
But at this point, i'm not sure if I'll go or not.
Does the mail mean i need to decide until 10 days from now?</p>

<p>March 18 + ten days = March 28</p>

<p>March 28 vs. May 1</p>

<p>“whichever is later” How do you read it?</p>

<p>May 1st is the national date for like…everyone. Unless you also get your financial aid package within that 10 days I don’t know how they’d expect you to accecpt the offer so quickly.</p>