Wisconsin or Ohio State?

@intparent I believe my personal best course of action would be going out of state for undergrad and coming back for medical school

@wis75 Unfortunately I am not an arts person, but I did read about courses discussing the science of cheese-making in the UW course guide so if I attend I will definitely check that out. Thanks for the info about honors!!

@silmaril Someone at Wisconsin told me chem 115 is a course for people who had previously taken AP Chem and did well, but currently I am taking AP Bio. Do you think that if I took chem 115 as a freshman I would do fine or would it be too difficult for someone who has not taken AP Chem?

Is your family rolling in money? Because otherwise it isn’t your best choice. If money is unimportant, pick Michigan. But be prepared to work your tail off to get premed level grades in a competitive major.

@gradclass2022 Ah, I had assumed you’d taken AP Chem - if you haven’t taken AP Chem, then I really hesitate to recommend 115 to you - it requires strong chem, physics, and calc background. Plus chem 115 applications are sent out on an invite basis via email; I’m not 100% sure what their exact criteria is for sending those out, although if you haven’t taken AP chem it’s possible you may not end up receiving an invitation to apply.

However, 109H is another honors chem class that’s not invite based and easier than 115, but more difficult/fast-paced than the regular gen chem track.

FINANCES! Cost of attendance at UW for OOS now passes the $50,000 per year mark undergrad and I’m sure most of your choices will be the same or higher. Medical school costs are high even for instate- and do not count on any free money (eg grants). Your education could cost more than half a million dollars! Your parents should NEVER raid their retirement funds.

Be sure you and your parents have the money talk. You do not need a top, OOS college. Figure out the costs and choose based on that.

@intparent Right now with the scholarships I have received, Ohio is the same price as my in-state school so I will definitely be going OOS.

Okay. If you don’t have unlimited money, and you can’t stand to stay in-state, then pick Ohio State.

@wis75 We are beginning to have money talks but obviously we have a long time to wait for other schools and their decisions. I am just trying to make a decision based on the schools I already have to make the process easier in the future haha

@silmaril Thanks for being really helpful about UW!!! My parents are alumni but they aren’t up to date with how Madison is now.

@intparent I appreciate that but I still have many more decisions. As of right now, Ohio State is definitely more appealing than Wisconsin.