<p>The slow season is upon us and I was wandering Borders looking for a certain book on taxes (TaxGuy) which I didn't find. So I wandered to the magazine section. Glanced at the college stuff (nothing new), Spent some time in the airplane, military, hardware stuff, and finally got over to the real science zines but only after noticing how many mags cater to females and like. Such a waste of trees. </p>
<p>Hopefully she keeps trying to have babies. </p>
<p>Article cites that 1.Mother Rats are smarter than nonmother (virgin) rats
2. Mother rats with multiple pregnancies are smarter than few pregs.
3. Its a hormonal thing.</p>
Big brain means small testes, finds bat study
<p>oooh, itstoomuch-
I could have a ball with that one.....</p>
<p>someone needs to change the name of this thread. It's too likely to be overlooked, and its full of such vitally important infomation on sex differences....</p>