<p>I must take a minute to thank all of you who helped me through this remarkable year....</p>
<p>My boy became a man with the help of this truly wonderful opportunity, USMMA, and all of those who touched him and my life during this process. </p>
<p>To those on the line at indoc, who I became close to over this period of time, MMAMOM2011, Suzannegra, zonker, etc. Thank you for all the support, pictures and information that made all the difference.</p>
<p>To the more senior parents, thank you for all the insight and calm in the sometimes sea of caos.</p>
<p>To all who post on CC...thanks for the information. Being away from the seen, it helps to know what is happening. Especially, when it's hard to break away from your child.</p>
<p>I know my son is more independant, better adjusted and able to do most things on his own now. I credit this experience with his growth and I am truly grateful.</p>
<p>To all the parents of the class of 2012...get on CC right away. Learn each other's names and form bonds now.</p>
<p>Last year, we all went up to KP to bring the kids "normal food" on Sundays when they were allowed to go to the waterfront. So every weekend, they had a little normalcy in this very different environment. I hope you also can do this.</p>
<p>I don't mean to go on and on and I know the mids are probably into some serious eye rolling right now, but I just wanted to say thanks....</p>