Withdrawing from a class

<p>I’m new here. I know March 20 is the last day to withdraw from a class. If a student is doing poorly, is it better to withdraw and have a “W” on the transcript, or is it better to plan to get a C in the class as a final grade and live with it? I tried searching old threads, but I didn’t really find anything. (All other class grades are As.)</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t know if you are the parent or the student. </p>

<p>Here are some questions I would ask myself:</p>

<p>Is the C good enough to take the next class that follows it?
Are you premed? (Need to have A’s)
Will you get out-of-phase with your curriculum if you drop the class?
Are you sure it’s a C and not higher or lower?
Have you talked with the teacher to see if the grade can be improved?
Is a C+ ok? Is a B- ok?
What will be your grade when you take the class again?</p>

<p>I don’t think a W is a problem. Just wouldn’t want 3 of them.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>If you’re premed, then maybe take the W. Don’t keep doing that. What class is it? How many credits is it? </p>

<p>What is your intended career? </p>

<p>If you take the W, will you need to retake or would you take a different class? If you retake, will you get better than a C?</p>

<p>Also, is it possible that if you stay in the class, you might end up with a D? or C-</p>

<p>The other thing I’d ask is why the student thinks they’re getting a C. Last Spring, D1 had a class that was giving her fits. As the deadline for a W approached, she was at a c and I think she was concerned that it could drop to a d. A look at ratemyprofessor didn’t give a good rep to that professor compared to others. DH convinced her to look at the W as a strategic retreat & she took it in the fall with a different prof & got a B+.</p>

<p>the biggest issue is if the class is a pre-req for another class, and not having it will make you fall too far behind.</p>