<p>Wow, im in like shock now haha.
I just took the 2005 Saturday PSAT and I received a score of 710 for Writing o___o</p>
<p>This is coming from a kid who only got a 580 W on the psat in October lol.<br>
Up until today the only prep for W I did was 2 PSAT's (around 2-3 months ago) and on both of them I scored around a 590 (but I did thoroughly looked over my incorrect and correct answers).</p>
<p>I mean this test did feel pretty easy, and usually when I go through the test I put *'s next to answers I am not sure about and on this test I only put it next to two of my answers (and i actually ended up getting both of them correct).</p>
<p>Can this be some REAL progress? Or is it luck?
lol im so happy..</p>
<p>Also, the only thing I did differently this time was tried to fix the sentence prior to reading the answer choices.. maybe this is what helped??</p>
<p>Take another one and you’ll see.</p>
<p>yea, i guess that would make sense.
hopefully it wasn’t luck heh</p>
<p>just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced a jump like this? did it go back down?</p>
<p>i had a range of 480(first time) to a 680. I now end up averaging a 650. I would guess it would go down but not below the low-mid 600 level. Take another test and see how it goes. It should take long, at most 40 mins.</p>
<p>My PSATs went from 1820 to 2120 in a year with no studying or prep - and it was not just luck, because I got a 2120 on the SATs a couple months later. So, it’s definitely possible for your score to jump.</p>
<p>I just finished taking an entire writing portion of a blue book SAT.
My score range was a 620-720. ughh.</p>
<p>On the first section I got 31 correct and 4 wrong (2 easy wrong and 2 medium wrong)
On the second section I got 9 correct and 5 wrong (2 easy wrong, 2 medium wrong, 1 hard wrong).</p>
<p>My raw score was 38.</p>
<p>Is this pretty good and does it mean I will most likely always be able to score over 600?</p>
<p>oh wow, looking at historical curves, a 38 raw score corresponds to around a 61 mc. :(</p>