<p>Hi! I am a high school junior who is very interested in Wooster. Both of my parents are Presbyterian ministers so I have always been encouraged to look at Presbyterian colleges. I do have a few things I am curious about:
*What is offered in terms of church on campus?
*Are there any churches in town that students go to?
*How much of the student body is involved with religious activities?
*Does anyone have any experience with the pre-seminary program?
That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for your help!</p>
<p>My daughter will be a freshman at Wooster this fall. I'm not an expert about the school, but we fell in love with it when we visited (three times--we're from Kentucky). I believe they have a chapel on campus--don't know what denomination it is, if any. It may be non-denominational, or it may be Presbyterian. Our daughter is Jewish, and I do know that Wooster seems happy and able to accommodate students of various religious persuasions. Have you visited yet? And have you read the chapter about Wooster in "Colleges That Change Lives?" It's a wonderful school.</p>
<p>I don’t think that Wooster considers itself a Presbyterian school as much as it used to; one of the college guides lists it as “historically Presbyterian.” With that being said, I’m sure it–or the surrounding town–would offer you plenty of religious opportunities. I find this to be true even in small, otherwise secular liberal arts colleges.</p>
<p>You might also find this interesting: [College</a> of Wooster Office of Admissions](<a href=“http://admissions.wooster.edu/scholarships/covenant.php]College”>http://admissions.wooster.edu/scholarships/covenant.php)</p>
<p>hey flutie </p>
<p>i’m a first-year student at Wooster. i’ll try to give you the best answers i can, but let me know if there’s anything that doesn’t make sense and i’ll try to clarify.</p>
<p>wooster was founded by the presbyterian church, but is no longer “affliated” with them so-to-speak. it was owned by the synod of ohio for the first 100 years (way back when it actually used to be a university!), but was later released, and wooster is now fully independent. however, they did establish a memorandam of understanding and continues an active relationship with the presbyterian church.</p>
<p>in terms of church services on campus, the College has a church on campus, Westminster Presbyterian, located in mackey hall, essentially side-by-side with the office of admissions. mackey is also the home of the ohio light opera, the residential opera company. there is also a completely student-run service called Sundays@7, also held in westminster, although i have yet to attend. our office of interfaith campus ministries is FANTASTIC. there are some seriously wonderful people there! wooster also has a few student-led faith interest groups, such as en route, sisters in faith, and a muslim student association. there is a fairly young married couple that work here, the husband is a presb. minister and his wife is in the process of being ordained and that. they are also very cool they do a lot of work with the wooster volunteer network in addition.</p>
<p>churches in town…i’m not sure which specific ones students go to, but i’ll do my best to remeber some…saint mary’s catholic church, trinity united church of christ, west hill baptist church, westminster presbyterian, wooster grace bretheran church, st. james episcopal, knesseth jewish temple, first presbyterian, wooster UMC, etc. there are many other congregations in town, including the wooster ward of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, unitarian universalist, and a zen buddhist group. you can find more resources on the OIFM website (put the link at the bottom).</p>
<p>no experience with the pre-sem program, but i’m sure you could find out more information from OIFM. it must have a good-sized group, as there’s already been a few other seminaries like princeton theological, etc. that have done tables in the student center for those looking at appropriate continuation programs. i’ll add the email address of molly dowell baum, the wife of that young couple i mentioned earlier. she would probably be a lot of help to you, seeing as she’s in the process of being fully ordained, etc.</p>
<p>i hope i’ve helped you a little bit. feel free to PM me if theres any more questions i can answer for you! good luck with your search!</p>
<p>[Office</a> of Interfaith Campus Ministries - the College of Wooster](<a href=“http://www.wooster.edu/campusmin]Office”>http://www.wooster.edu/campusmin)</p>
<p>[History</a> of The College of Wooster](<a href=“http://www.wooster.edu/about/history.php]History”>http://www.wooster.edu/about/history.php)</p>
<p>Molly Dowell Baum’s email: <a href=“mailto:mbaum@wooster.edu”>mbaum@wooster.edu</a></p>