word limit and activity sheet

<p>I just realized on Yale's website they say not to go over 500 words for essays, does this apply to the common app main essay? also I added some info on the additional space portion, but the words didn't show on the preview app no matter what I did though the words appear on the online app, should I send in an paper activity sheet? I also omitted a pretty important activity that I should've included.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>well if you used the common app to apply to yale then the common app rules apply for its main essay and short answer (no limit for main essay, 150 for short essay on one EC).</p>

<p>but their common app supplement is different. if they hav a word limit there then u should respect it.</p>

<p>contact the school, explain your issue and ask to re-send the sheet. im sure they’ll understand if you’re polite.</p>