Wordle Today - No Spoilers Please (Part 1)

I’m the worst at getting to 4 letters and then guessing the wrong word! Should have had the last two days in three but nope. :woman_facepalming:t3:

Wordle 211 5/6



ha, mine is reads

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I am too hasty. Should have gotten it in 3 again today but once again too quickly entered a word that didn’t use all the letters from the previous try. Ugh!

Wordle 211 4/6


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Spent way too much time on the 4th line.

Wordle 211 4/6


Wordle 211 3/6



Happy enough with this one
Wordle 211 3/6


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I am trying to be relaxed about this and not worry about how quickly I get it. Sometimes I get it in 3, but not often, and I don’t feel any less satisfied when I use all the rows. I guess I am not competitive with myself! It feels more fun to free associate. I do analyze when it is down to the wire and just one line left though :slight_smile:


Wordle 211 4/6


Yeah, me too! I was only missing the middle letter, and then guessed a less-common word, then got it on the next try with a word that is much more commonly used today than the other word, which was big in the 40’s and 50’s. Guess I’m showing my age.

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Wordle 211 4/6

I knew my third guess today was wrong but it put the identified letters into the last two spots and then it popped into my head.


The system is broken! You can play 'Today’s Word" over and over again, increasing your ‘genius’ score with each try :joy: :joy: :joy:

My mind always seems to go to less common words. Ugh. Prime example I mentioned upthread (from a random play)… I had TO_IC on the second guess. I then guessed Tonic, Topic, before finally getting Toxic. Skieurope figured it out first guess when I posted here.

I’ve done that the last two days on the Daily play. I should have figured it out on the third guess both times but instead was 4 and 5! :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Oh help me! I have now played 80 games.

And yes, I have developed strategies. My #1 tip is to always try to solve with whatever info you have - don’t play a word without known letters just to explore.

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Isn’t that kind of what the hard mode forces you to do? I haven’t tried hard mode yet.

Ugh! 5/6 today!!!

I overthought this one. I had four in place but changed the middle letter three times before I got it.

Wordle 211 3/6


I’ll admit to doodling this one on my napkin. Tomorrow I’ll move away from any pens!

I did the exact same thing, @parentologist .

What’s wrong with using a pen?

I like pen and paper, too!