Work Study (Spring)

DS was awarded Work Study as part of financial aid.

I really wanted him to look into it, but he really didn’t want to. I let it go, as he is in engineering, very far from home, and moving to AL was a huge adjustment on so many levels.

He is having a great time! Roommates all hang out w/ each other and have a great group of friends overall. He says he is doing well .

Since he has settled in, I would really like him to work and earn some money while there. Can he still apply for the work study jobs on campus for the spring semester? or are they no longer an option because he didn’t pursue them his first semester?

laralei - He needs to get in touch with Financial Aid - specifically the Work Study coordinator - and inquire. Last year, when my son was in this situation, they were able to put him on a work study waitlist for the spring (i.e. to hopefully start a work study job in January). I hope you will have better luck than we did. My son ended up not getting a Work Study job for second semester (because he did not pursue it early in the first semester as was required). It could be a different process this year…not sure.

I don’t know the answer, as my D never qualified for work study. However, even if he can’t find a work-study job at this point, there are non-WS jobs on campus, as well as off-campus jobs. My D has worked as a server at a TTown restaurant and has many friends with off-campus jobs. Jobs on the strip are walking distance to campus. He could start here:

He should try to find out if he can still get the WS. The school may have re-awarded it to someone else.

It’s never a good idea to turn down WS if you’ll want it for another year. Schools often will not award WS in future aid pkgs after it’s been turned down.

Schools get a limited amount of WS, so they have to pick and choose who to award it.

Hopefully, it’s not too late for your son.

If your son can’t get it back, then he can look into getting a tutoring job at the tutoring center. The app is online